I always had trouble translating "cool" in Italian.

It's tempting to translate the English term "cool" with "figo"; this seems to convey the wide meaning of cool well enough (surely better than other common translations like "fantastico" or "forte"), but the register is often inappropriate.

"Cool" is less colloquial than "figo", and, most importantly, it doesn't have any vulgar connotation; I can say that something is "figo" when talking with a friend, but I would never say it to my boss or write it in an advertisement (while I've seen "cool" used in almost any non-extremely-formal context).

So: is there some way to convey both the wide meaning and the register of "cool" in Italian?

  • 5
    In Tuscany we say "ganzo" and its meaning is really near to "cool", but it's a regional word. It's understood by all Italians, but it's normally used only in Tuscany, I think. "ganzo" sometimes (and still in Tuscany, I believe) is used also to identify an extramarital lover. For example, you can say "Luisa ha il ganzo", "Lorenzo ha la ganza", though I don't hear it very often, it's mostly used by old people and it depends on a location.
    – Andrea
    Commented May 28, 2014 at 10:41
  • 1
    I heard "ganzo" used often in translations, since it has the same semantic and a similar register of "cool" (IIRC in Italian translations of Calvin & Hobbes it's used very often), but, at least to me (I'm from Milan) it sounds a bit "forced" (I don't know why, but it feels a bit like adult people who try to imitate teen slang). Commented May 28, 2014 at 11:39
  • 2
    I find the alternatives (even the ones proposed in the accepted answer) almost terrible: if forced to translate "cool" in an advertisement, for example, either I'd try to find some workaround, or I'd go for "cool", untranslated. See: garzantilinguistica.it/ricerca/?q=cool
    – gd1
    Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 12:41
  • 1
    To the answerers giving replies about local terms used in specific towns: while they are interesting in and of themselves, they are OT in a site about Italian language, and specifically in response to a question asking how to express a particular concept in Italian. At most, they are comments.
    – DaG
    Commented Mar 9, 2015 at 15:00
  • 1
    @user2338: "pazzesco" is more like "incredible"; also, you don't usually say "pazzesco" of a person. Commented Mar 30, 2016 at 16:55

7 Answers 7


I'm afraid there's no way of conveying both meaning and register.

Here's a few options, each one of them has issues

  • figo, vulgar connotation, possibly NSFW
  • fico, slightly less vulgar than figo, but probably not enough
  • bello, appropriate in some contexts, but it generally loses the meaning
  • forte, only works in some sentences (Forte quel tipo!, Forte!), but it can have other meanings
  • tosto, again, works only with specific sentences

The only word I know people have being using to translate cool almost directly is togo.

I came to know it as an expression used in the popular sitcom Camera Cafè by the character Silvano, but it apparently has older origins. According to the comments it was used a lot in the 80's, but I don't know the etymology of it.

It has basically the same meaning of figo, without the vulgar connotation. However it sounds a little bit weird/lame, and I wouldn't feel comfortable in using it nowadays. Nonetheless I've heard people saying it in exclamations (and I always look at them suspiciously...)

  • 2
    my cousins from Cosenza were using togo a lot 10-20 years ago, I think it's still used
    – mucio
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 17:45
  • 1
    togo was widely used in the 80's in Lombardy. I would also add "figata" as a lighter version of "figo"
    – Sklivvz
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 17:49
  • 1
    @Sklivvz thanks, I added a note about the use of togo, since apparently you and mucio agree on it being used in the 80s. However I'm not sure that figata is lighter than figo. Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 17:53
  • 2
    Well done, answer accepted; I thought that this could probably be a very common question, so now we have something to link. Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:27
  • 2
    I'm not sure that the difference between “figo” and “fico” is so much in degree as it is in regional origin, the former being more of a northern form, the latter central-southern, as in “cagare” vs. “cacare”. Cf. youtu.be/HJ0Yh5wZjpc
    – DaG
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 22:29

You can use "bello" or "grande" (beside "fantastico" and "forte" that you've mentioned) to translate "cool".

  • 2
    Their meaning is not the same as "cool". Bello is too generic, it doesn't convey the "coolness". "Forte" would work just as an exclamation ("Cool!" -> "Forte!"). How would you translate all those hideous titles like "the 10 coolest gadgets", "the coolest place to work" & co.? Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 16:23
  • 5
    in these cases "cool" means something between "molto interessante" and "alla moda/del momento", but also "attraente": I 10 gadget del momento or Il posto di lavoro più attraente. Unfortunately transalation is never 1 to 1
    – mucio
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 16:48
  • 2
    another way to translate cool can be also "giusto", but it sounds to me quite old fashioned. "The Fonz is cool" can be transalted "Fonzie è uno giusto". So "I 10 gadget più giusti del momento", "Il posto di lavoro più 'giusto'", but in the second case better specify with quotation marks
    – mucio
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 16:51
  • 1
    Eh, "giusto" could have been a great candidate... 30 years ago :) +1 anyway, I know there's no universal solution Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 19:24

"Splendido!" can be used, too.

It refers to something being wonderful. It´s origin is the infinitive "splendere" which means "shine".

It is used more by adult people but can be used for every situation where something stands out from the usual.

  • Welcome to Italian.SE! This, more than an answer, looks like a comment. Would you please try and expand it?
    – egreg
    Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 17:27
  • 1
    you should explain when "splendido" may be used.
    – mau
    Commented Jun 7, 2014 at 8:17

You could say






Buono is used more for good even though.


"Splendido" is a perfect translation of cool; of course only one of them. In the Free Dictionary Online you will find "excellent" and "first rate" (from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 2011) and "sophisticated" and "elegant" (from the Collin's English Dictionary). Sometimes that is exactly what "cool" means.
The use of "splendido" has also another advantage: whoever wants to learn our language does not really need to learn fico, figo and figata, which I simply find ghastly.

I imagine that the downvote does not refer to the first paragraph. So there must be somebody around who actually prefers the definitions: fico, figo and figata. My warmest wishes (real, not joking) for the future.

Just two days ago I recommended to two teachers of our primary and secondary schools, where the use of those words is unfortunately common, to try all they can to explain to their students that ours is a beautiful language which has much better words for the same meaning, so there is no need to use vulgar expressions.

And here's the Italian:

"Splendido" è una perfetta traduzione di "cool"; naturalmente solo una fra le tante. Nel Free Dictionary Online possiamo trovare "excellent" e "first rate" (dall'American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 2011) e "sophisticated" ed "elegant" (dal Collin's English Dictionary). A volte quello è esattamente ciò che si intende per "cool".
L'uso di "splendido" ha anche un altro vantaggio: chiunque voglia imparare la nostra lingua non ha davvero bisogno di imparare fico, figo and figata, che trovo semplicemente terribili.

Immagino che il voto negativo non si riferisca al primo partagrafo. Quindi ci deve essere qualcuno che preferisce davvero le definizioni: fico, figo and figata. I miei più sentiti auguri (sinceri, non scherzo), per il futuro.

Proprio due giorni fa ho raccomandato a due insegnanti delle nostre scuole elementari e medie, dove l'uso di quelle parole è sfortunatamente comune, di cercare di fare tutto quello che possono per spiegare ai loro studenti che la nostra è una bella lingua che ha parole molto migliori con lo stesso significato, quindi non c'è bisogno di usare espressioni volgari.


In some cases brillante could work. Its meaning is "bright", or "shining", and it is also used to name a jewel.

It does not have any colloquial or formal connotation, it does not imply some sentiment (contrary to fantastico, for example) and there are also common phrases such as:

  • una persona brillante
  • una brillante soluzione

Hmmm, it's a bit dated but I would have said that 'mica male' is the equivalent of 'cool'. But then? Doesn't 'cool' go back, at least, to the 1950's? I guess one could translate it as "not bad". But I think it could also be 'cool'...

From De Mauro dictionary:

formula usata per esprimere apprezzamento, approvazione: mica male quella ragazza!, mica male come idea!.

  • 1
    Benvenuto/a su Italian.SE, @lerici! Per favore, cita le fonti come ho fatto io in questo tuo post.
    – Charo
    Commented May 22, 2020 at 6:00
  • L'Uinversita' per Stranieri, sedia di Perugia.
    – lerici
    Commented May 23, 2020 at 19:41

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