I just read the following short Sputnik article and I am left wondering:

  1. Why does it say rinunciarvi instead of rinunciarci as far as il gelato is concerned?

  2. Is it normal to have a phrase like gli esperti consigliano di acquistare carne ovunque sia possibile verificarne la qualità?

I'd have added a conjunction between carne and ovunque.

  • 2
    I am confused. Why would you add a conjunction there? Ovunque works more or less like “wherever” (...to buy meat wherever it's possible so and so).
    – DaG
    Commented Jan 17, 2021 at 0:01
  • 3
    These seem two unrelated questions - stackexchange works better if you ask them separately. Also I agree with DaG that it would be easier if you explained better what kind of construction would feel more natural to you in the second question.
    – Denis Nardin
    Commented Jan 17, 2021 at 13:14

1 Answer 1


1. "-vi" instead of "-ci"

You can do it whenever you want; they are exactly the same, it is just an issue of what sounds better to you (I tend to prefer "-vi" but "-ci" is more common). For example "rinunciarci" already has the sound "cia" so "rinunciarvi" might sound better; conversely "viverci" sounds better than "vivervi" in almost all cases (unless you explicitly want to repeat the "v" sound for poetic/musical reasons).

2. "Gli esperti consigliano di acquistare carne ovunque sia possibile verificarne la qualità."

If you add a conjunction, you change the meaning of the sentence. As it is now, it means that you should buy meat (only) where you can verify its quality, if you say "Gli esperti consigliano di acquistare carne e, ovunque sia possibile, verificarne la qualità." it means you should buy meat and, where it is possible, verify its quality (but it is ok even if you buy it from a place where you cannot verify its quality).

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