I'm a little bit ahead of my Italian lessons, but I hear people using forms of cosare, but don't fully understand it. I'm trying to figure out what it means in English (or even Spanish, although English is my native tongue). The closet thing I could think of was do (when used generically, not as an auxiliary)
I understand that it's used in Che cosa? to mean What?, but I don't understand why it's necessary. I'd always thought that it meant What happened?, but my grandfather (born in Abruzzo, but a terrible teacher!) says it just means What?
I'm not entirely sure whether cosa is used as a noun or a verb in that question, but it seems like it would be a verb.
It reminds me of the do in the English Let's do lunch, but my grandfather said that idiom really doesn't translate into Italian very well. He suggested Facciamo il pranzo, but said that it would be Cosiamo il pranzo if I insisted on using cosare. Even though he didn't like that, he said I can use it generically for any verb, and he did give me some examples, but I don't understand it semantically.
I've tried figuring this out using Google Translate by translating sentences from both English and Spanish, but Google doesn't recognize the word cosare.
For example, I started with Possiamo mangiare il pranzo di domani? I then substitued cosare for mangiare and got Can we cosare tomorrow?
I thought that maybe it just doesn't translate well into English, so I tried translating it into Spanish first (in my head, not with the translator). I replaced first comer with cosare and then almorzar as an alternate and got ¿Podemos cosare mañana? in Spanish for both. I tried using a 3rd phrasing in Spanish with the original question and got avere for the verb, but I ended up with another meaningless translation, which you could probably guess.
After getting frustrated, I decided maybe I should try something more basic and tried entering Coso quello for Voglio quello, but it still just gives me the translation of Coso that in English, and CosA ese in Spanish. That would mean thing that in English, but it's nonsense in Spanish too.
I tried Io coso buono for Io sono buono and Coso bene for Sta bene, and got good thing I for both, at which point I decided that was about as basic as I could possibly get and gave up.
Are there any English phrases, idioms, words, or expressions that can approximate the meaning of cosare in Italian? Am I at least attempting to use this verb properly?