Is there any significant difference between “perché” and “poiché”? I’ve seen both used where “because” was the best English translation.
There were a couple of other words used the same way, but I can’t remember them now.
Is there any significant difference between “perché” and “poiché”? I’ve seen both used where “because” was the best English translation.
There were a couple of other words used the same way, but I can’t remember them now.
As you can read here, there is a subtle difference regarding the syntax:
["poiché" si adopera] per introdurre una prop. causale che precede la principale: poiché la pensi così, lascio decidere a te (quando invece la propr. causale segue la principale si preferisce «perché»: lascio decidere a te perché so come la pensi
I'll try to translate it:
["poiché" is used] to introduce a "because clause" before the main sentence: poiché la pensi così, lascio decidere a te (instead, if the main sentence comes first, "perché" is preferable: lascio decidere a te perché so come la pensi
As stated in the Treccani page linked above, "perché" can also be a synonym of "affinché", meaning "in order to". The syntax is similar to English:
"Perché tu possa finire il progetto, ti servirà almeno una settimana." means "In order to complete the project, you'll need at least a week".
The reversed form with the main sentence put first is also correct.