Guardarci le stelle / i film =~ "The act of looking at the stars / watching "the" movies for ourself" or "The act of looking at the stars / watching "the" movies in there"
Apologizes for the "for ourself" part, which is hard to translate (at least for me), but I think I've got pretty close with it: expanding its meaning a bit, "for ourself" should be intended as "in a way so that the purpose of the whole thing is just for us to enjoy it". Again, still not quite there, but to understand this meaning thoroughly try to consider also, e.g., "Mi mangio una mela" compared to "Mangio una mela".
I second Josh61 in stating that the first acceptation is probably dialectical; However that doesn't make it incorrect, it's perfect italian. It's just that, in my experience, I've never heard of it, e.g., being used in Tuscany but I've heard of it, e.g., being used in Puglia.
In any case, as remarked in the comments by DaG already, the first two probably miss a context regardless; in that case, the "-ci" particle could mean "for ourself" as much as it could mean "in there" ("in there" in the same way it does in the third one). As you may know the "-ci" particle is very tricky in italian and its meaning can vary within a wide range depending on the actual context; therefore adding some context to both we could make four correct sentences out of them, two with "-ci" actually meaning "for ourself" and two with "-ci" actually meaning "in there":
Andiamo a guardarci le stelle?
Andiamo a guardarci i film?
Cosa sei andato a fare nel giardino? - Sono andato a guardarci le stelle
Cosa sei andato a fare nella sala proiezioni? - Sono andato a guardarci i film
Answering the question itself: "Andiamo a guardarci le stelle / i film?" and "Cosa sei andato a fare nel giardino / nella sala proiezioni? - Sono andato a guardarci le stelle / i film" could be substituted with "Andiamo a guardare le stelle / i film?" and "Cosa sei andato a fare nel giardino / nella sala proiezioni? - Sono andato a guardare le stelle / i film" leaving the phrases grammatical, but in both cases part of the meaning would be lost (in the first case due to the reasons explained above and in the second case due to a missing implicit remark of "in there");
"Stavo per avvicinarmi e guardarci dentro, ma ho ricevuto un messaggio" could be substituted with "Stavo per avvicinarmi e guardare dentro, ma ho ricevuto un messaggio" as well but again, part of the meaning would be lost (again, due to a missing implicit remark of "in there")