Does anybody know of some sample letters written in Italian? Any online source would be greatly appreciated. E.g. letters to estate agents/lawyers, etc. Thank you.
1Welcome to Italian.SE, @Andre!– Charo ♦Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 17:59
Estate agents and lawyers who can't read English aren't worth their salt. You should be looking up opera libretti instead, it's much more constructive, not to mention a lot of fun.– RickyCommented Nov 20, 2015 at 0:57
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You can look at this link from Zanichelli or at this one. The first one is easier to understand for a non-Italian, the second is a bit more difficult IMHO.
If you aren't able to translate some part of these links ask in a comment and I will help you! (For your letter: Remember that English people say "you" for a formal communication, but in Italian is very informal say "tu").