My partner has gone back to Italy to visit family for christmas - I'm flying out in a few days, and she asked me to buy for her sister a t-shirt that says "My sister goes to [university/city name] and all I got was this lousy t-shirt". I couldn't find one in the shops so I thought I'd make one.
I was thinking maybe I'd write it in English on the front and Italian on the back. My Italian è molto male, and I could ask my partner but that would ruin the surprise. So I was wondering whether someone could advise me on whether there is a usual phrasing for this kind of t-shirt joke in Italy, or if not, of a good way to translate it. Off the top of my head, I think the best thing I could come up with on my own would be something like
Mia sorella studia in [place], e io ho solo questa maglietta male!