I'm looking for a single verb that translates to hash in the context of computers. Eg.

Passwords in the database are hashed with SHA256

that translated is something like

Le password nel database sono _____ con SHA256

Some verbs I was thinking about, but don't really fit:

  • criptate (encrypted) I think this is more a two-way function, crypted text can be decripted, but hashed text cannot.
  • offuscate (obfuscated) This is something hidden, but as above can be made clear
  • oscurate (darkened) Maybe this is the best choice even if it's very similar to offuscate
  • Edit: also cifrate. But isn't this the same as criptate?
  • 4
    I think that a literal translation would be "rimescolate" or "confuse", otherwise, I would too go with "oscurate", maybe with a periphrasis like "Le password nel database sono oscurate con algoritmo di hash SHA 256" Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 9:59
  • 2
    Welcome to ItalianSE!
    – abarisone
    Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 10:52
  • 1
    SHA256 is an encryption algorithm so in my opinion hash you can translate it as crittografare. "Le password nel database sono crittografate con algoritmo SHA 256" Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 12:45
  • 1
    With a heavy heart, I'd say something like ...sono sottoposte a hash..., since hash, in this context, is something well specific, not explained by cifrate or oscurate.
    – DaG
    Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 14:08
  • 1
    "Decriptare" isn't cracking code but a synonym of "decifrare" = decrypt. In the same way encrypt = "criptare" or "cifrare" Commented Mar 27, 2018 at 16:19

2 Answers 2


If you want one word in your sentence, I'd say protette:

Le password nel database sono protette con SHA256

Or if you want to make it clearer that they aren't passwords:

Le password nel database sono sostituite da(i loro) hash SHA256

But both versions fall short of the mark when targeted to non-tech-savvy users, who might wonder if the protection cannot be broken, or where are the original passwords that were replaced. In those cases you'll be better served by the incorrect cifrate.

With tech-savvy readers you can concentrate on the hashes and forget the passwords altogether:

gli hash (nel database) sono (ottenuti|generati con (l'algoritmo)) SHA256.

or more fanciful:

le password nel database sono (sottoposte a|elaborate con|trasformate da) SHA256.

  • I like the word protette, simple and clear.
    – dg3
    Commented Mar 28, 2018 at 15:30

I think there is no single verb, however the closest I can think of seems to be "calcolare l'hash". Indeed, searching for this expression with Google gives me about 2000 results.

For the example sentence I would say:

Gli hash delle password nel database sono calcolati con (l'algoritmo) SHA256.

Note that neither of the suggested possibilities (encrypted, obfuscated, darkened) seems ok to me, especially in this context, because with a hash you are not encrypting / obfuscating, etc., but rather calculating a checksum.

  • I've accepted the other answer because this one only describe the alorithm used to calculate the hashes, but doesn't imply security. eg. the passwords are stored plain-text alongside with the hashes
    – dg3
    Commented Mar 28, 2018 at 15:28

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