I am having a real trouble remembering vocabulary where a noun or adjective is related to a verb (or vice versa).
Example 1
Verb tagliare = to cut.
Conjugation taglio = I cut.
Conjugation taglia = he/she/it cuts; you (formal) cut.
Noun taglio = cut.
Noun taglia = size.
Here one noun is the same as the conjugated verb of first person singular. The other noun (totally different meaning but still vaguely related to the verb) takes the form of conjugated verb of third person singular.
Example 2
Verb scaricare = to unload, etc.
Conjugation scarico = I unload.
Conjugation scarica = he/she/it unloads; you (formal) unload.
Adjective scarico = unloaded.
Noun scarica = shot / discharge.
Here the adjective takes the form of first person singular, and the noun takes the form of third person singular.
I am having a tough time remembering these differences, e.g. the difference of meanings of scarico from scarica. One letter different and totally different meanings. Same with taglio and taglia.
And there is no pattern either, as seen in the examples.
What’s going on here and how can I get this under control?