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Article "la" before women names [duplicate]

I spent some time in a few of the northern provinces of Italy. When I was in Tuscany I noticed that when mentioning a woman by name they would use the feminine article "la" with the name, e.g. "la ...
DrewBear's user avatar
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Articles with proper names (e.g. la Giulia) [duplicate]

Why do people say "la Giulia", "la Paola" etc. I've been told this is considered incorrect, but everyone seems to say it anyway.
blah's user avatar
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Articolo con i nomi propri: sì o no? [duplicate]

Mi sapreste dire se è corretto usare l’articolo davanti ai nomi propri (grammaticalmente parlando)? Per citare qualche esempio: la Maria, la Giuseppina, la Stefania . E nei cognomi come ad esempio: l'...
Hari's user avatar
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Is it a common Italian practice the use of definite article for feminine proper names, like in Veneto region?

I noticed a common practice in Veneto, which is the strange use of definite articles with proper names. Some feminine examples I hear very often: Chiama la Marcella per vedere che cosa è successo. ...
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