Questions tagged [translation]

Determining Italian equivalents of words or phrases which are provided in another language within the question

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7 votes
4 answers

Traduzione elegante di "Product Backlog"

Mi sto arrovellando per trovare una traduzione elegante di "Product Backlog". Si tratta di un concetto della programmazione agile che indica un elenco delle caratteristiche di un prodotto software che ...
piffy's user avatar
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3 answers

"Andare" + present gerund in ~1740's Italian?

Italian newbie here, so forgive me if this is a simple question. I've got an Italian book review of something by Voltaire, written about 1740. Here's a brief part of it: Egli in 25 capitoli va ...
twoblackboxes's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Traduzione della frase inglese "To make a big deal (out of something)"

Buongiorno, Ho cercato "to make a big deal" nel dizionario e ho trovato: To make a big deal out of something: fare un sacco di storie per qualcosa Secondo me questa traduzione non è molto buona....
Jack Maddington's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

"All I got was this lousy t-shirt"-type slogan in Italian?

My partner has gone back to Italy to visit family for christmas - I'm flying out in a few days, and she asked me to buy for her sister a t-shirt that says "My sister goes to [university/city name] and ...
jfhc's user avatar
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How can I translate the expression "I don't care" into Italian?

In English we use the expression "I don't care" to express that we don't feel interest or concern about something. How can we say a similar expression in Italian? Google Translate gives "Non mi ...
april's user avatar
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2 answers

What is a "utenza fissa"?

While filling out an address form, I came across the field "Utenza fissa". I checked dictionaries and online translators. The result was not very satisfying: I found the following meanings for "...
Penguin9's user avatar
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"I am missing you" in Italian

If I want to say someone "I am missing you", how it is translated in Italian?
ayesha's user avatar
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How can I say "really!?" in Italian?

– I'm in love! – Really!? What is a good match in Italian for the word "really"? Here the word does not carry any doubt, just excitement.
Tim's user avatar
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3 answers

What is an appropriate translation for "Remove Follower"?

The translation I have been given for "Remove Follower" is "Follower remoto". This doesn't seem correct to me. This is the title on a button that removes or deletes a "Follower" (subscriber) from a ...
progrmr's user avatar
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"I have no idea" in Italian

How can I say "I have no idea" in Italian in a very emphatic way? I think I have sometimes heard or read some idiomatic expressions, such as "non ne ho la più pallida idea", but I don't remember them.
Charo's user avatar
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2 answers

What does "sballati" mean?

In conversation with Italian (specifically Sicilian) friends, a word has come up which we are struggling to reach a shared understanding of. The Italian word is "sballati" and, when fed through ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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What does "farà molta strada" mean?

I was reading comments on YouTube about the song Odio le favole, and I did not understand what is meant by the phrase "farà molta strada". For context, the full comment: Siamo felici che la ...
Jimmy Johnson's user avatar
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2 answers

Solo vs soltanto vs solamente?

I was trying to find out how to translate the word "only" and found three separate words. Could someone help me understand when each of these is used and what the differences are between them? ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
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What does "le barchette di carta" mean?

Is there a specific idiomatic meaning for "barchette di carta" (in English). I'm trying to translate the following sentence but it refuses to make sense. "Montale 'fanciullo invecchiato' vede dalla ...
christina's user avatar
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Come posso dire a una persona "take your time" in italiano?

Come posso dire a una persona "take your time" oppure "make yourself at home" in italiano? Grazie.
gfleck's user avatar
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2 answers

What does "fuoritutto" mean?

I see fuoritutto in many adverts, for example here. Does this mean something like "Everything must go"? The only dictionary that I found lists this word has the meaning Lunghezza massima di una ...
user avatar
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Meaning of a sentence with chiastic structure

Can you please translate the sentence below: non rimpiango le persone che ho perso col tempo, ma rimpiango il tempo che ho perso con certe persone
Alex's user avatar
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What is the best English traslation of 'dai che ce dai'?

What is the best English translation of dai che ce dai? Here is the situation in which I encountered the expression. One of my Italian friends was trying to send a sport climbing route which turned ...
Rafał Gruszczyński's user avatar
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Vocabolo italiano per "trading"

Qualcuno sa dirmi una parola italiana per "trading", inteso come compravendita/scambio di strumenti finanziari. Per esempio, in espressioni come trading platform, trading commissions, e così via. Per ...
Tommy's user avatar
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What's the Italian equivalent for "hiring managers"?

I have researched this a bit and have not found the right translation. The closest I've got was "managers di assunzione" in plural or "dirigenti per l'assunzione". Hiring managers or line managers ...
SkyWalker's user avatar
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Word for a small taste of drink

My Italian family members will use a word that sounds like "spudatza" to refer to a small taste of a drink. "Would you like to try this wine?" "Just a spudatza" What word is this?
Paul Jackson's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Come traduciamo in italiano "affordance"?

Mi riferisco al significato della parola che viene spiegato in questa domanda Esiste una parola (o un modo di dire o una parola equivalente) specifica che si riferisce al fatto che certe azioni sono ...
CoffeDeveloper's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Traduzione di "commit" in informatica (es. "git commit")

Esiste una traduzione italiana del termine tecnico "commit" (nome o verbo) usato nel gergo di Git? Più generalmente, esiste un dizionario online di termini informatici correnti? Sono nato in ...
user3758232's user avatar
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Traduzione di "ground truth" nell'ambito del machine learning

In diversi ambiti scientifici è molto usato il concetto di "ground truth", cioè di dati empirici "veri", raccolti tramite osservazione diretta, che di solito vengono usati per confermare o sfatare ...
UJIN's user avatar
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3 answers

I've been awake for 5 days

I want to say in Italian: I've been awake for 5 days. My attempt: Sono cinque giorni che sono sveglio. Is this translation correct? Thank you.
keramus's user avatar
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Translation of "whichever comes first"

I'm wondering if there is a common way to translate this phrase in Italian. My Italian is rusty, but my attempt would be either "qualunque prima viene" or "qualunque che viene prima."
user avatar
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2 answers

Italian verb for "to hash" in computer

I'm looking for a single verb that translates to hash in the context of computers. Eg. Passwords in the database are hashed with SHA256 that translated is something like Le password nel ...
dg3's user avatar
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Esiste una traduzione per il termine musicale inglese "to strum"?

Sto scrivendo un manuale di chitarra, e con l'obiettivo di evitare anglicismi inutili ho il seguente problema: abbiamo un termine in italiano per indicare l'atto di suonare tutte le corde di una ...
moonwave99's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

"I usually wear casual clothes." Which verb (indossare/vestire/portare/mettere) is correct to use in this sentence and in which case is each used?

Which verb is usually used to say: "I usually wear casual clothes."? I've learnt 4: "indossare", "vestire", "portare" e "mettere", and what are the differences among them?
Vic's user avatar
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Come si dice "Shut up, and get in the cart" as a strict command with the "lei" form, not "tu"?

Come si dice "Shut up, and get in the cart" as a command with the lei form, not tu? I want to convey a strict command to GET IN THE CART, like a parent might do with emphasis, as a last resort, and ...
Msfolly's user avatar
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5 answers

Is "almost" the equivalent word for "quasi"?

I almost quit my job (It implies that I didn't). Ho quasi lasciato il mio lavoro. Does it mean exactly the same thing, implying that I still have my job?
Vic's user avatar
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How can I translate the expression "sour grapes" into Italian?

From the Oxford dictionary: sour grapes used to refer to an attitude in which someone adopts a negative attitude to something because they cannot have it themselves: government officials dismissed ...
Kyriakos Kyritsis's user avatar
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Is the sentence "La mala ordina" proper Italian?

Recently I saw the Italian movie The Italian Connection, its original title is La mala ordina. (Probably it means Manhunt). I supposed it's in Italian, but Google translator doesn't recognize it as ...
Alexan's user avatar
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Translation from "I love you to death" to "ti amo da morire" doesn't seem correct

In English we say "I love you to death". It's a kind of cute way of saying "you mean something very profound to me", it's lighthearted and yet meaningful. I'm trying to say this to a girl I adore, ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a one-word translation for the English adjective 'unintelligent'?

I believe that 'intelligente' is a good translation for the English word 'intelligent'. Is there a suitable one-word translation for the English 'unintelligent'? My dictionary suggests 'poco ...
Richard Beasley's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Come tradurre "distinguished bilinear form"?

Nel libro di Hofer-Zehnder, Symplectic Invariants and Hamiltonian Dynamics, ad un certo punto si dice "distinguished bilinear form", e più avanti "distinguished symplectic invariant". Il senso di "...
MickG's user avatar
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Does the name "Alfero" mean anything?

I know some people who use it as a first name and others who use it as a last name. There is also a place in Italy called Castell'Alfero which I understand to mean "The castle of Alfero".
Alfero Chingono's user avatar
5 votes
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How do we say "right back at you"?

When someone is wishing us something, how do we say "right back at you"? Is "lo stesso vale per te" the right and only response?
Farzad64's user avatar
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Double meaning of "traduttore, traditore"

I am familiar with the phrase "translator, traitor" and have no issue with its meaning in English. But what is the pun referred to on this Wikipedia page: "Similarly, consider the Italian adage "...
zadrozny's user avatar
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Translating “La vita è come una bicicletta con dieci rapporti... Tutti noi abbiamo rotelline che non usiamo mai”

I don't understand the meaning of rapporti and rotelline here... clearly the second one is not tires. Can someone explain to me the specific meaning or translation of these two words?
JOX's user avatar
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Testo turistico spagnolo-italiano: «brillar por sí sola»

Devo tradurre un testo turistico dallo spagnolo all'italiano della Costa Tropical (Granada). Questo testo comincia così: «Esta privilegiada costa brilla por sí sola con [...]». Ho cercato degli ...
Maria Sanchez's user avatar
5 votes
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Expression/phrase for "I'm working on it"

Is there an expression that means "I'm working on it", translated inexpertly by me as "Sto lavorando su di esso", that stands in generality? Or do you alter the statement to match the object that is ...
mlegge's user avatar
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3 answers

Qual è l'aggettivo che esprime "non essere affilato"?

Sto cercando di trovare l'aggettivo italiano che traduca il tedesco "stumpf", che significa, nel caso di un coltello specificamente, che non taglia più. Nel dizionario trovo "spuntato", però questo ...
E.V.'s user avatar
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How to say "You got this" in Italian?

You’ve got this is meant to be said to someone else, and to be encouraging.
Jennifer's user avatar
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What is the meaning of “Vediamo chi la spunta questa volta”

This phrase appears early in L'amica Geniale. I take it to mean something like let's see who comes out on top this time or who breaks first this time, but I'm mainly just guessing from context. ...
user1236910's user avatar
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Wither on the vine

The English idiomatic phrase to wither on the vine is used in the context of something or someone who is neglected or ignored. Can anyone please suggest an equivalent idiomatic expression in Italian?
Richard Beasley's user avatar
5 votes
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Morbidity and comorbidity in Italian

I have consulted the resource to look up the translation of the terms morbidity and comorbidity in Italian, and I have found the terms morbilità (with an"l" instead of with a "...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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How to see the difference between superlative and comparative

Let's say we want to translate the sentence: "That is the most expensive house". Is it right to translate this to: "Quella è la casa più cara"? How can I see the difference in Italian between 'the ...
Lewistrick's user avatar
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Onomatopoeia in Italian

What's the Italian equivalent for words such as, "crash", "bang", "snap", "woosh", "wallop" etc? Are there any onomatopoeia references out there that consolidate these equivalents in Italian?
santos's user avatar
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Translating "How's the weather over there in January?"

I am listening to Italian Language tapes that do not have any written material to go with them. As I have made progress, (I am on lesson 45) I am getting a little confused. I believe that there must ...
Msfolly's user avatar
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