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3 votes

Qual è il significato di "acchiappino" a Roma?

Da come mi dice un collega romano, per acchiappino si intende una persona che pubblicizza un locale tramite volantinaggio (ecco il riferimento alle offerte di lavoro che hai trovato su internet) ...
abarisone's user avatar
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What does "Bellifreschi" mean as a film title?

As suggested by @DenisNardin Bellifreschi is composed of belli (beautiful) and freschi (fresh). It could mean "We are fresh and beautiful* or it could be a reference to the expression stiamo ...
abarisone's user avatar
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Movies to help to brush up on conversational Italian skills?

Se vuoi qualche film di viaggio italiano puoi vedere: Quo vado (2013) Checco Zalone Riusciranno i nostri eroi a ritrovare l'amico misteriosamente scomparso in Africa? (1968) Ettore Scola Puerto ...
BakerStreet's user avatar
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Movies to help to brush up on conversational Italian skills?

This might be a silly idea, but if you want to watch a movie in Italian similar to Planes, Trains and Automobiles, why don't you watch the Italian dubbed version? Most movies have an Italian dub, ...
Denis Nardin's user avatar
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