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Easymode44's user avatar
Easymode44's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
15 votes

Happy belated birthday in Italian

8 votes

Come posso rendere "to be on sick leave" in italiano?

8 votes

Italian words for tools

8 votes

Come si può dire "mettere sotto la pressione" con una parola sola in italiano?

7 votes

Did I leave anything out?

7 votes

La parola “smarmellare”

6 votes

Difference between "sicuro" and "al sicuro"

6 votes

"Sbagliare": non-reflexive vs reflexive usage

6 votes

Qual è il senso di "trionfo" in questo brano?

5 votes

Differenza tra 'di Russia' e 'della Russia'

5 votes

How to use "rendere" in a sentence?

5 votes

What does the word "pizza" mean in Italian?

5 votes

Meaning of "Oggi ricordiamo le vittime degli eserciti"

4 votes

Is there an Italian equivalent for the English abbreviation "MC" for "main character?"

4 votes

How to spell crac ( = predestinato a grandi cose)?

4 votes

Could "avvertire" mean "to advise"?

4 votes

Meaning of "L'agricoltura è l'economia del paese"

3 votes

Uso e origine dell'espressione "Mi è partita una placca"

2 votes

Posso avere un minuto per pensare?

1 vote

Qual è il significato di "priorato" in questo contesto?

1 vote

Difference between "insegnante" and "maestro"

1 vote

Are there multiple ways to count age in Italian?