How would you name a male pet, Monkey? Since 'scimmia' is female it doesn't seem right. Scimmio, or is that slang for something else?
What I originally tried to enter, without the last sentence, got rejected as low quality, so I had to lengthen the post some– DexygenCommented Apr 4, 2017 at 11:56
5Scimmia is fine. For example in Italian we call Shere-Khan tigre although the character is manifestly male and the word is female. Grammatical gender does not have a one-to-one correspondence with biological sex. In my opinion this question is still low quality, though, since it is unmotivated.– Denis Nardin ♦Commented Apr 4, 2017 at 13:47
2This question should definitely be clarified, as the diversity of the answers shows. Is the OP asking about grammatical genders in Italian (if so, please clarify what you are asking)? a suggestion for a name for a pet (off-topic here)? whether “scimmio” is used in Italian (no)?– DaGCommented Apr 7, 2017 at 9:48
If @DaG got the question right, then it should be changed to "Is calling a male monkey pet Scimmio correct, in Italian?" At least it would avoid users come out with fantasy names, which is out of the scope for this site, IMO.– avpadernoCommented Sep 9, 2017 at 11:47
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3 Answers
Maybe call it scimmiotto. The suffix -otto sounds cute in Italian, so it fits to a pet, regardless of age or size.
"Scimmia" is for both genders.
In Italian there are many animals with female name for both genders, for instance: zebra, vipera, marmotta, balena, ...
It's neither English or Italian.
Has connotations of monkey, small and cute.
The masculine suffix suits a male pet.
Can be abbreviated to ketto.
Let me see. Answered the question? Yes. Low quality question? Yes. Down vote explained? No. First post encouragement? No. Typical Stack Overflow behaviour? Unfortunately, yes.– andy256Commented Apr 7, 2017 at 10:40
4The question is low quality and very unclear (see my comment to the question), so it is unclear if the answer is relevant. And, in my not-so-humble opinion, “Monketto” is an awful name (among other reasons, because monco means “mutilated” in Italian), so I deem it “not useful”, which is exactly what “-1” means.– DaGCommented Apr 7, 2017 at 12:18
1@andy256: As I have written, I downvoted your answer for its specific merits (or lack thereof), not those of the question. In Italian “Monketto” sounds more or less like “Armlessy” could in English.– DaGCommented Apr 8, 2017 at 7:49
1@andy256 Beyond "Monketto" being a horrible name, when a question is ambiguous and there are different possible interpretations, choosing to answer a blatantly off topic one is going to bring in some downvotes. I don't know why the question was not closed sooner, but this is a relatively low traffic site.– Denis Nardin ♦Commented Apr 8, 2017 at 13:15
1I agree that Monketto pronunced as it's Italian (that is, as written) sounds like "without arms", but if we pronunced it as it's English (that is "monkitto") is not so bad. I agree with you, sometime people are too much fussy, here. (Hence, +1).– CarLaTeXCommented Apr 19, 2017 at 2:45