The phrase is correct and usual.
"il controverso presidente della Bosnia-Erzegovina espresso dall’etnia serba", actually, doesn't mean that "he comes from this ethnicity".
Instead, it means that this president has been, in a sense, 'produced', probably through elections, by this ethnicity and represents it, regardless his ethnical origin.
It means 'è manifestazione di.., proviene da.., è prodotto da
(but not necessarily through elections).
It is one of the meanings of the verb esprimere: to produce, to generate:
Treccani (lett.) spremere, trarre fuori, generare, far nascere
Hoepli 3. (lett.) spremere fuori, estrarre: esprimendo dai fiori la stilla essenziale (d'annunzio)
|| Generare, produrre
Garzanti 3. (lett.) produrre, emanare, creare.
A synonymous could be essere espressione di or
essere emanazione di: provenire da, essere prodotto da, derivare da: for example un provvedimento emanazione di un gruppo.
A sua volta da emanare:
The dictionaries quoted above say that, in this sense, it is a literary term, but in some expressions, as in your case, this is not literary, but is usual.
For instance, it is usual when used in a political context, for example un governo espresso dalla minoranza. See: