I was reading this article from la repubblica http://www.repubblica.it/politica/2016/07/06/news/cricca_delle_nomine_puntava_sui_tribunali_2_0_abbiamo_visto_legnini_ora_lotti_-143516669/?ref=HRER3-1
The first couple of sentences throw me off badly, I have asked a couple of italian native speakers and they assure me it is correct, but I still don't understand. The segment in question:
Nell'ufficio di via in Lucina, a pochi passi da Palazzo Chigi, Raffaele Pizza stava combinando con due imprenditori la "mandrakata". Diventare fornitori esclusivi per la pubblica amministrazione della gestione del sistema Tiap, il "Trattamento informatizzato Atti Processuali", in uso anche alla procura di Roma.
The first sentence makes sense, but I don't understand what the second sentence refers to at all "diventare fornitori..." I know what the words mean, but to my (native English) mind, it's just a fragement with no subject. Can anyone explain what is going on here?