Sto guardando il documentario First Team: Juventus su Netflix e ad un certo punto Buffon dice:

Ci sto arrivando serenamente

Ha detto male o "Ci" può anche significare "io"?

Mi dispiace per il mio italiano impreciso.

Grazie mille.

  • 3
    Benvenuto su Italian.SE!
    – Charo
    Commented May 21, 2019 at 21:01
  • 3
    That sentence is correct, but “ci” doesn't mean “io”. However it may have several different meanings, most of which are covered in an answer to this old question: italian.stackexchange.com/questions/29/…
    – DaG
    Commented May 21, 2019 at 21:08
  • 3
    In questo caso “ci” è un avverbio di luogo: la frase va interpretata come Sto arrivando là serenamente.
    – egreg
    Commented May 21, 2019 at 22:31
  • 2
    La stessa espressione può essere utilizzata in senso figurato: "Ci sto arrivando" = "Sto arrivando a questo" = "Sto capendo questa cosa" Commented May 22, 2019 at 7:51
  • 4
    Qualcuno può scrivere una risposta? I commenti sono utili, ma le risposte sono meglio!
    – Denis Nardin
    Commented May 22, 2019 at 12:05

1 Answer 1


The particle ci was originally an adverb, but then it also became a pronoun.

The adverb has a peculiar usage: it can only precede the verb or it needs to be attached to it.

ci vado = vado là
andandoci = andando là
vacci = va' là (imperative)

It is an avverbio di luogo denoting some place already mentioned or clear from the context. Not completely equivalent to as the sentences above might suggest. Just like many similar adverbs it can also be used for time (a place in time) and of course in figurative sense, a typical case being ci sono arrivato meaning I have understood the thing I was thinking about, as mentioned in comments. It can be used “absolutely” for emphasis like in

qui ci vuole un esempio

meaning here an example is needed (you know, mathematicians are fond of self-references) and is pleonastic, but it cannot be omitted, in this sense. The typical usage is c'è or ci sono, that is, there is and there are; however the usage is not the same as there as shown by the example above.

Possibly Buffon was talking about his retirement from played football and said

ci sto arrivando serenamente

that would mean “I'm serenely approaching retirement”; in any case, it means I'm serenely arriving there (where the place or moment in time should be clear from the context).

The pronoun ci can never mean io: it is used as oblique form for the second person plural noi:

ci vogliamo bene

means we love each other (reflexive form). It's sometimes used as the oblique form of the third person singular: ci do for gli do (such usage is frequent in Sicily, but is not really grammatical).

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