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8 votes

How do modern Italians get their nicknames (soprannome? nomignolo?)?

I'd say that there is an enormous variability, mainly along social and regional axes, as well as more than one type of soprannomi. The simplest case – not even actual nicknames – is the fact that, ...
DaG's user avatar
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7 votes

Sulla pronuncia del nome di Natalia Ginzburg

Io ho sempre sentito e detto “Natalìa Ginzburg”, ma questo non vorrebbe dire molto. Quello che direi faccia testo è che lo pronunciano con l'accento sulla “i”: il critico letterario Giulio Ferroni; ...
DaG's user avatar
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6 votes

Use of the word provincia for other countries provinces

Canadian (or other) provinces are not a frequent conversation topic, but whenever they are mentioned they are called province. This is confirmed by atlases and reference books, and I can assure you ...
DaG's user avatar
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5 votes

What are common or archaic nicknames for Michelangelo?

Both Michele and Angelo can be shortened to Lino, through Michele->Michelino (diminutive suffix) -> Lino. In spoken Italian you may hear Miche / Miché and Ange (or Michi and Angi, but the -i suffix ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
5 votes

Naming a male pet Monkey

Maybe call it scimmiotto. The suffix -otto sounds cute in Italian, so it fits to a pet, regardless of age or size.
Ally's user avatar
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4 votes

Is the -ino suffix a diminution?

Family names are family names, and their suffixes (or other components) don't convey any special meaning right now; if anything, they did so centuries ago, when they came to be. It's very rare in ...
DaG's user avatar
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4 votes

What are common or archaic nicknames for Michelangelo?

I have a friend named Michelangelo. His friends call him with the whole name, Michelangelo, even if it's a mouthful. His aunt is the only one that calls him Angelo, but several people call him ...
LSerni's user avatar
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3 votes

Naming a male pet Monkey

"Scimmia" is for both genders. In Italian there are many animals with female name for both genders, for instance: zebra, vipera, marmotta, balena, ...
Luca C.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Is it a common Italian practice the use of definite article for feminine proper names, like in Veneto region?

Multiple sources make note of how this phenomenon is commonly encountered in vernacular speech, specifically in northern Italy. However it is stigmatized in formal and written Italian: ... in some ...
iacopo's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it a common Italian practice the use of definite article for feminine proper names, like in Veneto region?

According to Michele Brunelli it is mandatory in Venetian to use the article for that case: L'artìcolo personale, che 'l se cata in vèneto e in catalan (ma nò in italian), el xe l'artìcolo che se ...
Giulio Vian's user avatar
2 votes

Is it a common Italian practice the use of definite article for feminine proper names, like in Veneto region?

It's common in the spoken language of Northern Italy in familiar and informal contexts. The article serves the purpose of letting you to refer to a specific person, known to all the people involved ...
Gianluigi Gamba's user avatar
2 votes

Article "la" before women names

This is incorrect in formal Italian but used in informal Italian in northern Italy. In some places like Lombardy article "Il" is used before masculine names too, like "Il Mario" or "Il Giuseppe"
Fab1can's user avatar
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2 votes

Nomi alternativi per città italiane

Gli esempi più conosciuti sono (da Città italiane e i loro appellativi): Roma – città eterna, caput mundi Roma è una delle città più antiche del mondo e da qui deriva il suo appellativo “...
abarisone's user avatar
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1 vote

Sulla pronuncia del nome di Natalia Ginzburg

Ciao! Io sono italiana e mi chiamo Natàlia. In Italia entrambe le pronunce (Natàlia e Natalìa) sono possibili. Nei paesi dell'est e in quelli di lingua spagnola, trovi la pronuncia Natàlia. In ogni ...
Natàlia Schaer-Geraci's user avatar
1 vote

Sulla pronuncia del nome di Natalia Ginzburg

Ciao Charo, Ti rispondo perché purtroppo non ho i 50 punti necessari per aggiungere il commento. Ti lascio un link inerente ai nomi, in cui oltre alla pronuncia puoi trovare moltissime informazioni. ...
GiacomoDB's user avatar
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1 vote

How do you typically refer to a fellow Italian in different settings (formal, informal or the homestead)?

There are few precise rules, in Italian, to address directly another person by name, and surely not so varied like your examples. Take a person named Domenico Rossi; the most informal way is to call ...
linuxfan says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote

Dove e perché il neonato di ghiro viene detto cardamone?

Cardamone è un cognome calabrese e siciliano che, secondo il Rohlfs, viene dal termine dialettale 'cardamune' = neonato di ghiro'. (cfr. link, cfr. Dizionario dei cognomi e soprannomi in Calabria del ...
alexjo's user avatar
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What are common or archaic spellings/versions of the name Michelangelo?

One known variant is "Michelangiolo" See:
Orlando B. Manta's user avatar

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